Age: Approximately sixteen to seventeen years old.
[As Type II] The dream begins as an extremely surreal experience, as if I am somehow aware that I am in a dream state, or as if I am a wandering spirit or external soul perceiving the events concerning my earthly form.
There are numerous people on a train. The train derails and crashes into a vast forest. I am somewhere among the people. The survivors, some horribly wounded, begin casting about to seek help, and discover an overgrown dirt road. We all begin to follow it along through the forest. It is dark and difficult, and some of the wounded are lost to the woods.
We suddenly come to an enormous mansion, oddly placed in the midst of the forest. We knock on the door, a giant construction of solid oak, but it is firmly locked and there is no answer. We see a cleared and well-maintained road leading away from the mansion, through a gate, toward the highway in the distance. We go to the highway and see a truck approaching. It is dark and raining, and the lights of the truck nearly blind us as it draws nearer.
One man from the group runs to the side of the road to wave down the truck. The driver, a simple farmer, sees him and begins to slow down, nodding with a friendly expression. Suddenly the farmer's face contorts and he assumes an enraged expression as if possessed. He accelerates and hits the man from the group, driving off the road and crushing him between the trunk and a tree. The engine catches fire and burns the farmer and the poor man from the group alive, amid terrible screams.
Everyone screams and runs, some into the forest, some back to the mansion, some down either direction of the highway. But a mist arises and everyone gets lost in it, until, no matter where we run, we all end up back at the mansion. This time the door opens and we rush in, shivering from the cold, and calling out for someone to help us.
The mansion is constructed entirely of marble, black marble and white marble, and is built as though it were two completely separate buildings somehow spliced together, yet without ever actually coming in contact with each other. [The image below by M.C. Escher is the closest thing I can think of to convey the general idea, although the mansion in the dream had very little resemblance to it other than the general concept.]

The white side of the mansion is normal. Beautifully constructed, it reminds me of a Gothic cathedral. The black side though is deformed, twisted, sideways, upside-down, tangled, etc. It comes in through gaps in the ceilings and exits through cracks in the walls. It can be seen from balconies and bridges, or through windows, but there is never any connection between the two.
We eventually find a large open room with couches and a fireplace. We decide that we will sleep in this room for the night. When we wake, we find one of our members crucified above the fireplace, his body ritually dissected and spread out in some type of configuration. In a panic, we all try to find the exit, but realize too late that we are lost.
Nightfall comes again and we return to the same room and assign guards. In the morning, the guards are found dead, one decapitated, the other shredded. Someone theorizes that a monster from the dark side of the mansion is responsible. We decide to split up and try to find a room that doesn't have a dark section passing through it.
I am searching like the others. It is near nightfall and I must return soon. I find a room with a white marble door. I open the door, step through, and close it behind me. I am standing in a room with a grand bed in it. The bed is set headboard to the left wall. Starting halfway across the room, the marble and the bed turn from white to black so that my side of the room and bed are white and the other side black. There is a black door on the other side directly in front of me across the bed.
I am very tired. I approach the bed. I can feel my consciousness fading. I think for a moment that I must return to the group as quickly as possible to inform them of my discovery. My arms and eyes feel heavy. I lean against the bed and fall onto it. I close my eyes and roll over...
[The dream now changes to a Type III dream]
I wake up. I am the monster. I grin, thinking of the fools about to die. I raise my "hands" and gaze at them. I roll out the other side of the bed feeling a profound sense of refreshment after having "slept." I approach the black door, open it, and step through. I am the master of this place. [The creature I become during this part of the dream is actually strikingly similar to a Chiropteran from Blood +, although at the time of the dream I had never even heard of anime much less seen any. The following image is a Chiropteran.]

Obviously this dream has a lot to do with the acknowledgment of the "shadow" of the unconscious and all the repressed psychic aspects it symbolizes. Even more importantly, however, the dream represents an increasingly clear comprehension of the incredible potential of paradigm shifts, and their promise of "further consciousness." At about this time in my life I had begun to experience some very drastic paradigm shifts.
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