Dream #4: "Golden Space"

Classification: Type III
Age: Eighteen years old.

I am an ethereal being floating in space. This space is infinite as the universe is infinite. It is also composed of a golden light or ether (unlike our space which is black). Before me and around me lie billions, trillions of panes of glass. Each pane is approximately a meter in height, a meter and a half in width, and two centimeters thick. Each pane is set diagonally in this space, as if it had been resting vertically on the longer side and then tilted to a 45 degree angle. These panes are arraigned about two meters apart from each other in rows, columns, and ranks.

Everything is still. Everything is at peace. Everything is silent. Then, slowly, a gentle rain begins to fall through the universe from “Above.” The rain softly strikes each pane of glass, running off or bouncing away to fall and strike other panes. At first, the sound is almost imperceptible—so faint. It continues, and steadily the sound grows. It mounts and expands and envelops me. Soon, the sound is a roar so powerful, majestic, and awful that I feel it has become the universe. I feel this awful, incredible sound as if I were melting into it, as if in resonating with it I had become it. As this occurs, I hear mysteries. There are voices as if a million people were speaking in tongues, each using different words but each speaking the same thing. There are sounds of instruments as well, trumpets, gongs, drums. There is the sound of thunder; there are lightning peals. I know that I am hearing the sound of the All. The all-consuming, the all-creating, awesome and terrifying at once—the sound of a gentle rain.


Upon waking, I was struck by this dream, for I knew the interpretation the instant I woke. The entire dream is a vision of Truth, truth as an ultimate ideal. Truth is the only thing with the power to resonate with all things, with the power to, in one simple, gentle touch, become glory and awe.

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