Dream #8: "Anima II"

Classification: Type II
Age: Twenty-three years old.

There are a variety of scenes muddled together: a dilapidated apartment, a college dorm room, a brightly-lit forest, a mountain top, etc. In all these scenes the Anima (actually represented by an Anima image and not as before a woman who is later recognized as the Anima) is present engaging in lesbian orgies. There is always an expression of mixed happiness, innocence, and lust on her face. Though I should be outraged or abhorred, I am apathetic.

From without these scenes, a voice is heard, crying or singing in a language unknown to me; yet I comprehend the meaning. This voice keeps expressing the same general concept, but restating it in different ways in order to change the connotation slightly. Some follow
[there were far too many iterations for me to remember most]:

"Very soon, it will all come to an end." "Too soon, without there being enough time to prepare, it will all come to an end." "The end is approaching and is nearer than it is believed to be." "Everything has an end, and the end of all such things is near." (et cetera)

Strangely, throughout these proceedings, there was a distinct impression that this song was unrelated to the events being witnessed, or rather, that these events were far too trivial to merit the song. Rather, the song relates to me, the witness, and is about me. I am the thing that is coming to an end, or rather, there is a point in my development that is coming to an end.


Again, the meaning of this vision seems rather obvious. The Anima has been modified in the unconscious psyche. No longer is she a real object, rather, now she has been assimilated by the conscious and is represented as an image or idea. The lesbian activity, something that would have certainly been representative of an atrocity should the Anima still be real, is now looked upon with apathy. The voice of a herald calling out signifies the realization of this psychic change. Adaptation has occurred.

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